LISTSERV 16.0 Help

LISTSERV 16.0 Help

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Help for Subscriber's Corner

On this page, you can see all the lists you are subscribed to or all the public lists on the server. The list table can display selected subscription settings for each list.

From this page you can:

  • Subscribe to one or more lists.
  • Sign off from one or more lists.
  • Change your subscription settings for one or more lists.

To subscribe to one or more lists:

  • Check the boxes next to the lists to which you want to subscribe.
  • At the bottom of the List Names column, select the "Subscribe" option.
  • Press the "Submit" button.

To sign off from one or more lists:

  • Check the box next to each list you want to leave.
  • At the bottom of the "List Names" column, select the "Unsubscribe" option.
  • Press the "Submit" button.

To change subscription settings for one or more lists:

  • Check the boxes for the settings of interest.
  • Press the "Submit" button to refresh the list table; now there is a column for each selected subscription setting.
  • Check the box next to each list for which you want to make changes.
  • At the bottom of each setting column that you want to change, select the setting to which you want to set these lists.
  • Press the "Submit" button.

Alternatively, you can also view and change your subscription options for individual lists by clicking on the list name.

Report Column Selection

To select the columns for your report, check one or more boxes under "Report Columns", and then click the "Submit" button to display the relevant subscription options for the users displayed. To check all boxes, click on "Check All". To clear all the report definition selections click on "Uncheck All".

Mail Style: Check this box to report on whether subscriptions are set to receive individual postings ("Regular"), or digest or index versions of the list.

Mail Status: Check this box to report on whether subscriptions are set to receive postings ("Mail") or not ("No Mail") from the list.

Restrictions: Check this box to report on what, if any, posting restrictions are in effect for the subscriptions.

  • Post: Normal posting privileges according to the list's configuration.
  • No Post: The subscriber is not allowed to post to the list.
  • Editor: Posts bypass moderation on a list that is configured for moderation as policy.
  • Review: All posts are sent to a moderator for approval before being permitted on the list.

Subscription Date: Check this box to report the date on which each subscription was registered.

If this is blank, the subscription was registered before the LISTSERV server was upgraded to version 1.8c (which was released in 1997).

Header Style: Check this box to report on the "header style" subscriptions that are set to receive for list postings. Possible header styles are:

  • Full: Normal headers for list postings. List name is always the To: header.
  • Subject: Same as "Full", but a subject-tag identifying the list is added to the subject header of all postings.
  • Short: Only the bare minimum headers (To:, From:, Date:, and Subject:) are included. This setting will break MIME messages; therefore, it should only be used on lists that allow plain text or for subscribers using mail clients that cannot handle MIME mail.
  • Dual: Same as "Full", but the main headers are repeated inside the message text as well. This is to accomodate some old mail software that did not process Internet mail properly, and is mostly obsolete.
  • IETF: Headers are exactly the same as those sent by the original sender, with the possible exception of adding a "Sender:" line (depending on the list configuration). This may break filters on some mail clients that rely on all list mail having certain mail headers look the same on all list postings.
  • Full (822): "Full" mail headers (like the default) except that the To: header contains the recipient's email address instead of the list address.

Conceal: Check this box to report on whether or not subscriptions are listed in a "Review" of the list of subscribers. This setting is only of interest for lists where the list of subscribers is viewable by other list members or the general public.

This setting is mostly superfluous on lists that are set such that only the list owners can review the list of subscribers because list owners can always see the subscriber addresses regardless of the "Conceal" setting. However, list owners may set the list such that "Conceal" is the default option for all subscribers to indicate that subscriptions are allowed without requiring the first and last names of the subscriber.

Topics: Check this box to report on which topics subscriptions are set to receive on lists configured with topics.

HTML: Check this box to report on whether or not subscriptions are set to receive Digest or Index versions of the list as HTML. This setting is irrelevant for subscriptions set to receive individual postings ("Regular" mail style).

MIME: Check this box to report on whether or not subscriptions are set to receive Digest versions of the list as MIME. This setting is irrelevant for subscriptions set to receive individual postings ("Regular" mail style). This setting is required for HTML Digests; therefore, it should be viewed in conjunction with the HTML setting.

Ack: Check this box to report on whether or not subscriptions are set to receive an "acknowledgement" message when they post to the list. For example:

Your message dated Thu, 2 May 2002 16:08:28 -0400 with subject "My message" has been successfully distributed to the MYLIST list (123 recipients).

See also the "Repro" setting.

Repro: Check this box to report on whether or not subscriptions are set to receive a copy of their own postings. Some subscribers want to receive a copy of their own postings, others are satisfied with just a short acknowledgement (see the "Ack" setting) and the copy that their mail client keeps, while others want both or neither.

Renew: Check this box to report on whether or not subscriptions are set to receive renewal notices on lists that are configured to request subscription renewals. This setting may only be changed by a list owner.

Send email notification of changes

If checked, the subscriber will be sent a notification email about the changes or deletions.

Report Format

Use the "Report Format" pulldown menu to select whether you want to view the report on screen or whether you want to download it as a CSV file.

Note: For reports that span multiple pages, the "CSV Format (Subset)" option will only include data from the current screen in the report. For example, if a list contains 100 subscribers but only 50 subscribers are shown on screen at a time, the CSV file will only contain the 50 subscribers shown on screen. The "CSV Format (All)" option, on the other hand, will include all the data in the CSV file regardless of the number of pages that the results span.

Show Lists

This case-insensitive parameter controls which lists are displayed. The default is to display all lists. If you have a particular group of lists that you want to query that all contain the text "SALES" in the list name, for example, type "SALES" into the box and click "Search". This will narrow the lists displayed to lists such as


and so forth. Note that the interface automatically expands "SALES" to "*SALES*". Wildcards are not otherwise supported.

Lists per Page

This parameter controls how many lists will be displayed on a single page. The default is 50. If you want to break the list table into pages of 10 lists, type "10" in the box and click "Submit".

LISTSERV is L-Soft's industry-standard email list management software, originally developed by Eric Thomas in 1986. See the LISTSERV Manuals for complete documentation.

LISTSERV® is a registered trademark. The trademark identifies LISTSERV® as a brand of email list management software developed by L-Soft.